By Angie Bennett
Each and every person, be it guy or gal, has what they consider to be their best feature; the bit of their body from which they draw that extra pep of confidence – which is definitely where the sexy comes from… Confidence ladies, inner confidence!
It’s like the chicken or the egg chat; do you have the self-confidence and poise because you are happy in life and feel glam, or do you have that happiness and X-factor because you feel confident?
The other week an article caught my eye about how Penelope Cruz deals with her insecurities and at first glance it felt like a bit of a punch in the gut (my wibbly one of course as she certainly doesn’t have anything that remotely resembles a paunch). I think you would have to go pretty far to find a person that didn’t think Ms Cruz was at the very least a bit of a hottie, not to mention sophisticated, elegant, and definitely glam. To be honest, I didn’t get past the first glance as I like to keep as much space between me and Ms Cruz as possible. And then of course that bouncy ball of a penny drops once again and you acknowledge the crux of the madding moment; feeling confident and attractive is wrapped up (with double sided sticky tape and industrial superglue) in a world where we are only just starting to move away from the mad-capped size zero craze and people remain obsessed with comparing themselves to others. For some, means going to extremes just to feel comfortable in their own skin.
We know we shouldn’t do it, yet we do, again and again and then a little bit more; “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” Albert Einstein, who I hear was a genius. This is why when I sulk (you may pull hair, cry, get chip-faced on a pint of ice-cream, or what-not) about having a fat day I try to subdue to foolish rocking forward and back and scream ‘stop it’ (hopefully just in my head though an “ARRRR” sometimes escapes the lips).
Although there remain numerous orange skinned ‘tanned’ people wandering around (the oopaloompa ‘you now when you’ve been tangoed’ look is certainly squirm and giggle worthy, but add to this the number of frazzle salons in Glasgow alone and you cringe at thought that it is not from a bottle) I take comfort in the fact that natural beauty is coming back with a sweet sweet vengeance, albeit taking its time.
Picking up magazines of the airbrushed (Occasions tends not to slim or re-model our girls), the tweaked and the tweezed – not to mention the celebs that preen within an inch of their lives – it is understandable that even the most together girls can go a bit loopy from time to time over 101 different things to do with the way their hair, feet, bums, tums or teeth look.
For me right now it is my front teeth that are the recurrent source of drama (six months ago it was the aging of my eyes – I like to mix up my neuroses). When I was 15 I went down the braces road and to cut a very long and very traumatic story short, at 26 I have two veneers at the front one of which cracked in half not long ago leaving a peg tooth… sexy!
As a dentist Dr. Rita (I will introduce her properly her in just a few lines) could be considered a wee bit biased when it comes to what keeps folk smiling; the people that sit in her surgery chair all tend to agree that when they giggle, guffaw or belly chuckle, their confidence comes with being happy with their smile. Having the confidence to grin and bear the 32 white horses on the red sea goes a long way to increasing confidence, and on this I would have to agree. Not being able to smile for the four days I was waiting to see my dentist has that effect.
Don’t get me wrong tweaking your appearance is not the bulletproof road to happiness some folk think it is – being proactive about what is bothering you is the way forward combined with a healthy dose of living in the real world rather than a make believe life in “Barbie land”. However, if like me, you have a bug-bear with your teeth you just can’t shift (no one in my life seemed to notice when half my tooth went awol, so I know it is probably mostly in my head) then the dentist is the way forward.
Dr Rita is the owner and Director of Bath Street Dental in Glasgow, and with over ten years in the tooth business she knows the pearly whites; she will be on hand to answer your questions regarding a winning smile in our new section titled DR Rita’s Smile Clinic – send in your questions to and she can point you in the right direction.
To start us off she has picked out three questions she has come across in the last wee while…
Q. I dislike my discolored teeth, should I whiten my teeth? I heard someone say that it damages your teeth.
A. The most common causes of tooth discoloration are the consumption of staining foods, smoking, old fillings, genetics and antibiotic staining (tetracycline).
There are two types of discoloration external & internal. External staining can be removed with a scale & polish from your hygienist and a procedure called an Air-Flow®, the Air-Flow technology which blasts off staining with bicarbonate of soda using a high powered jet.
Internal discoloration can only be improved by a tooth whitening procedure. The most popular procedures are in-surgery teeth whitening and professional take-home tooth-whitening kits with custom-made trays. Both procedures are based on a bleaching process that uses a peroxide-based compound of varying strength (3%-30% peroxide). The gel penetrates the natural channels in the teeth and gently whitens the tooth. Sometimes the channels can temporarily remain open and this can cause short lived sensitivity. This is where the myth has come that whitening your teeth can damage them.
Whitening is a very safe procedure and does not damage your teeth. If tooth whitening is carried out by a trained dental professional it is a fast and predictable procedure and can whiten your teeth from between 2-16 shades; taking two to four weeks.
A whitening system that has been featured in numerous press releases and on television is Enlighten ®. This is the best at home whitening system on the market in my professional opinion.
Q. The enamel on my tooth is beginning to disappear, what can I do to stop this?
A. The 3 most common causes of tooth enamel disintegration are as follows:
Tooth-to-tooth friction causes the form of wear called "attrition." This can be cause by grinding your teeth excessively. Teeth wear down overtime naturally but some people develop an abnormal habit of grinding that can result in the loss of length in the natural tooth. This can be caused by stress or anxiety and generally the person does not realize they are doing it. It generally happens at night. It is wise if you are aware that you are a grinder that you arrange with your dentist to have a nightguard made, this will protect your teeth as you sleep.
Acid erosion, also known as dental erosion, is the irreversible loss of tooth structure due to chemical dissolution. The enamel is lost due to fizzy drinks, acid reflux and if you have any stomach problems, it is imperative you seek medical advise.
Tooth abrasion is caused by something rubbing or scraping against the teeth. Brushing too hard is a common cause of abrasion. It leaves a ‘V’ shaped grooves, usually along the part of the tooth which meets the gum. It causes sensitivity to cold foods and drinks and sometimes to sweet foods.
Cosmetic options for all of the above can be discussed with your dentist.
Q. I hate my squinty teeth and don’t smile anymore!! I’m in my early 20s and not sure I can face having chunks of metal on my teeth. Please advise and help me.
A. The best way to straighten misaligned teeth is with braces. There are discrete and invisible braces on the market available from your specialist orthodontist. Braces take from nine months to two years to work their magic.
Your Invisalign treatment consists of a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that you change every two weeks for the next set of aligners. Each aligner is individually manufactured for your teeth, and your teeth only. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week – until they have straightened to the final position prescribed by your dental practitioner.
Lingual braces are custom made fixed braces bonded to the back of the teeth making them invisible to other people.
It is important before any orthodontic work can be carried out you ensure your gums are healthy and you continue with your regular dental check-ups during and after your treatment.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
The death of the tangerines and the resurrection of the natural beauty
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Occasions issue 3 fashion shoot images
Outfit: Rebab Designer Wear, 344 Allison Street, Glasgow Accessories: Singhaar Ring: The Diamond Studio, 2nd Floor, Argyll Arcade, Buchanan Street Photography: Afzal of Impressions, Hair & make-up: Kanval of Impressions, 254 Albert Drive, Glasgow Henna: Farah Khan Venue: Pollok House, Glasgow |
Sari: Anjali’s Boutique, 451 Victoria Road, Glasgow Jewellery: The Diamond Studio, 2nd Floor, Argyll Arcade, Buchanan Street Photography: Afzal of Impressions, Hair & make-up: Kanval of Impressions, 254 Albert Drive, Glasgow Venue: Pollok House, Glasgow |
Jewellery: Rebab Designer Wear, 344 Allison Street, Glasgow Ring: The Diamond Studio, 2nd Floor, Argyll Arcade, Buchanan Street Photography: Afzal of Impressions, Hair & make-up: Kanval of Impressions, 254 Albert Drive, Glasgow Venue: Pollok House, Glasgow |
Shrewani, Lengha and jewellery: Anjali’s Boutique, 451 Victoria Road, Glasgow Photography: Afzal of Impressions, Hair & make-up: Kanval of Impressions, 254 Albert Drive, Glasgow Venue: Pollok House, Glasgow |
Corset: Boutique in the Attic, Photography: Afzal of Impressions, Hair & make-up: Kanval of Impressions, 254 Albert Drive, Glasgow Venue: Pollok House, Glasgow |
Lengha: Rebab Designer Wear, 344 Allison Street, Glasgow Sherwani: Rebab Designer Wear, 344 Allison Street, Glasgow Jewellery: The Diamond Studio, 2nd Floor, Argyll Arcade, Buchanan Street Photography: Afzal of Impressions, Hair & make-up: Kanval of Impressions, 254 Albert Drive, Glasgow Venue: Pollok House, Glasgow |
asian clothing,
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Bargainista Fashionista
Lengha: Oxfam, 14-15 The Toll, Clarkston, Glasgow // Jewellery: Singhaar // Photography: Afzal of Impressions // Hair & Make-up: Kanval of Impressions // Venue: Pollok House, Glasgow |
Fashion nowadays is all about vintage. Vintage jewellery, vintage bags, vintage clothes...and for those who want something unique and beautiful, a vintage sari and Lengha are the new crazes hitting town. Gone are the days when charity shops were seen as stuffy emporiums, nowadays you’re likely to bump into Alexa Chung or Kate Moss perusing the rails as the line between vintage boutiques and charity shops has become blurred with charity shops becoming part of mainstream fashion.
You only have to walk down Byres Road in Glasgow where you will see a vintage boutique next door to Oxfam. So why don’t charity shops seem to be as appealing to Asian fashionistas? Charity shops have yet to trickle down into mainstream Asian fashion. Why is this ladies? Flick back up and have a look at the pictures, do they scream charity shop at you? I think not! A major appeal of the charity shop is that you will find unusual and rare finds filling the rails so you are guaranteed to have your individual style shine through and remain unique as no one else can happen to turn up in the same outfit. What better way to strut your stuff or even to walk down that aisle than in a piece from Oxfam which you have customised yourself to reflect your own individuality and tastes?
Salwar Kameez: Oxfam, 14-15 The Toll, Clarkston, Glasgow // Photography: Afzal of Impressions // Hair & Make-up: Kanval of Impressions // Venue: Pollok House, Glasgow |
Oxfam actually has one of the best collections of vintage clothes in the country, making it the perfect place to shop for something truly individual. As well as being unique, these items have another hidden quality up their sleeve. The proceeds made from the sale of every item bought at Oxfam go towards funding programmes the organisation has in over 70 countries around the world to help people living in poverty.
So, while you are enjoying your special day, you can be safe in the knowledge that what you are wearing could be doing anything from protecting people from flooding in Bangladesh to helping girls get an education in India. So your good tastes help a good cause!
If these pictures have whetted your appetite, or at least got you thinking outside the box, you can see the full range of occasion wear at the Oxfam shop in Clarkston at 14-15 The Toll, Clarkston, Glasgow. For further details please telephone 0141 639 4931 and check out the website at
If you’re still not convinced to take at least just one look at their outfits, then cast your eye over the brief case studies below from Oxfam. If they don’t convince you, nothing will!
Oxfam in Asia
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Children washing their plates at an Oxfam water point in the Swat Valley, Pakistan. |
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Mrs N Rasidha aged 24, with her sewing machine given through an Oxfam livelihood grant at Sooriyeapuram IDP camp to the south of Batticaloa, Sri Lanka |
For up-to-the-minute reports on the situation in Asia, please visit Ofamx's website or contact Annie Lewis on 0141 285 8873 or send her an email.
asian clothing,
Monday, 11 October 2010
Real life wedding: Waheed and Ouzma
The hitches of getting hitched.
IT HAS taken me five months and nineteen days to get this stage: with my venue booked, my dress fittings over, and the last tier of my cake just about iced I think its time to take a deep breath…and finally admit to the world that I may be one of the biggest Bridezillas that has ever stomped the streets of Glasgow.
With my wedding less than a fortnight away, my stress levels are on the up and my normal happy-go-lucky self is now a bit more ‘happy-go-loopy’ with a slight obsession for organza. Don’t get me wrong, I am certainly not the type of Bride who would refuse to walk into her evening reception because the wrong colour of napkins were on the table or cry over the slightest wisp of grey cloud, but I think that this may be due to the fact that I have planned - with military style precision - for any mishaps and downright disasters (like drizzly weather and mismatching table linen). One thing that I didn’t plan for however was having to deal with the wrath of a natural disaster.
Yes, as we speak, a certain Icelandic volcano is still spewing its ash into Scotland’s flight paths and disrupting travel arrangements across Europe. This is a slight inconvenience considering half of my wedding party are travelling from Spain! As I said, I think it me be time for some deep breathing, some positive thinking (and that’s just on the part of my future husband) and sparing a thought for all my fellow brides-to-be who are having their full wedding abroad. My forty guests are nothing in comparison to Anssa Naveed’s troop of five hundred people in Pakistan who will be anticipating the arrival of the bride in September this year.
While I feel slightly frazzled with all the preparations for my impending nuptials, Anssa, in stark contrast, is positively glowing.
“I’m so excited!” she gushes. “I’m not nervous at all. I can’t wait to be a bride!” Happily buzzing around chasing up florists, caterers, banqueting halls and dress shopping for not just one but four wedding outfits, Anssa doesn’t really have time to be worrying over little things like volcanoes. She is more concerned with her upcoming Nikkah ceremony, taking place on the 12th July in her parents’ house in North Lanarkshire before travelling to Lahore with her new husband for her Valima reception. To organise such a spectacular wedding I thought you would have needed to hire an expensive multinational wedding coordinator (or be superwoman). As it turns out, you need a little of both and Anssa has been lucky enough to have an experienced wedding planner at her disposal: her sister!
Twenty four year old Ouzma married her husband Waheed in a lavish celebration spanning two continents in July 2006. The pair were introduced while separately visiting their families in Lahore and it took only a matter of months for Waheed to propose.
“ I was so happy.” Ouzma enthuses. “I went out and bought as many wedding magazines as I could get my hands on, just like Anssa!”
As a student at Edinburgh’s prestigious school of art, it was no surprise that Ouzma immediately sought out the latest fashions for her wedding. She trawled through the best designer boutiques from Glasgow to London in a quest to find her perfect wedding dress and when the search proved fruitless she did what any great artist would do; she designed her own!
“Colour was very important to me,” she explains. “I knew I didn’t want the traditional pinks or maroons. I decided on a vibrant green dress for my Nikkah, laced with ornate gold embellishments. I commissioned a seamstress in Lahore to make the dress to my specification. It was exactly what I wanted; contemporary and original with a traditional twist.”
Ouzma continued this fusion of contemporary and traditional elements throughout her wedding. Just like Anssa’s imminent Nikkah, Ouzma and Waheed’s ceremony was an intimate affair, held in her mother’s house in front of their family and friends. Their ceremony emanated elegance. Ouzma’s flowers were a simple yet stunning bouquet of pure white roses which contrasted beautifully against her vibrant green dress. Fragrant white lilies and daises also decorated the house and the garden. Ouzma used her artistic flare to add another personal touch to the day by making the white bouquets and hairpieces for her attendants herself.
Not forgetting the groom of course, Waheed looked sharp in a modern charcoal suit by Zara. He jokes that one of his main jobs was to look good in his suit.
“You did a great job!” Ouzma laughs. “And I did a great job helping you choose your suit!”
After their Nikkah, Ouzma and Waheed had decided to live apart for a short while so Waheed could stay in London to further his career in accountancy and Ouzma could finish her degree. But the pair could not be apart and so decided to go to Pakistan and organise their Valima a little sooner than expected. With only three weeks to organise their Valima, a host of family and friends were enlisted to help arrange a reception for over three hundred people. At the height of Lahore’s wedding season this may seem like a tall order, but Ouzma pulled it off with the same originality and style displayed throughout her wedding.
“I was a bit of a Bridezilla,” she admits. “I dragged my sister-in-law around all the boutiques in Lahore to help me wade through rails of wedding dresses and yet again found nothing. I looked for someone to make a dress to my design but no one would do it because of the short notice so I was frantic.”
It was her sister-in-law who came to the rescue by finding a local designer willing to put together the dress within a week who, as fate would have it, was the very same seamstress who finished her green dress!
“I almost landed a job as a dress designer! My seamstress was adamant we should join forces and set up a business as she loved my designs. I am still thinking about it,” Ouzma admits.
The shortage of time was certainly not reflected in the intricate details of the celebration. Ouzma chose a contemporary Mughal theme for her Valima which was continued in her dress and jewellery (also her own design). In her dress she used shades of lilac infused with maroon and gold which complemented her stunning garnet and gold Mughal inspired jewellery.
The Taj Mahal banqueting hall in Lahore proved to be the ideal venue. With the beautiful brass detailing in its décor, reflecting the Mughal style, and rooms large enough to cater for over five hundred people, it was perfect for Ouzma and Waheed’s contemporary reception where their guests were treated to a Punjabi style feast.
After their exhilarating but exhausting celebrations, the couple chose to wind down during a relaxing honeymoon in Murree and Islamabad.
It seems that pre-wedding stress is all part of the package no matter when or where you are getting married, it is how you handle it that counts. Can Ouzma give any post-wedding advice to Anssa and I and all the nervous future brides who are in the midst of their wedding preparations?
“Yes. On the day, just let it happen. The little mishaps and imperfections are what will make your wedding memorable,” Ouzma tells us. “ When all is said and done, this will be the only day that will be just about you and your husband. Enjoy it!”
Even with these excellent words of advice, I tell Ouzma and Anssa that I still can’t let go of the volcano issue even though I know I can’t control it.
“Well, try dealing with not knowing whether your dress and jewellery will be delivered to you until one hour before your wedding!” Ouzma says, speaking from experience. Well, putting that in perspective, I’ll take the volcano any day!
By Lynne McGarry
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Waheed and Ouzma |
With my wedding less than a fortnight away, my stress levels are on the up and my normal happy-go-lucky self is now a bit more ‘happy-go-loopy’ with a slight obsession for organza. Don’t get me wrong, I am certainly not the type of Bride who would refuse to walk into her evening reception because the wrong colour of napkins were on the table or cry over the slightest wisp of grey cloud, but I think that this may be due to the fact that I have planned - with military style precision - for any mishaps and downright disasters (like drizzly weather and mismatching table linen). One thing that I didn’t plan for however was having to deal with the wrath of a natural disaster.
Yes, as we speak, a certain Icelandic volcano is still spewing its ash into Scotland’s flight paths and disrupting travel arrangements across Europe. This is a slight inconvenience considering half of my wedding party are travelling from Spain! As I said, I think it me be time for some deep breathing, some positive thinking (and that’s just on the part of my future husband) and sparing a thought for all my fellow brides-to-be who are having their full wedding abroad. My forty guests are nothing in comparison to Anssa Naveed’s troop of five hundred people in Pakistan who will be anticipating the arrival of the bride in September this year.
While I feel slightly frazzled with all the preparations for my impending nuptials, Anssa, in stark contrast, is positively glowing.
“I’m so excited!” she gushes. “I’m not nervous at all. I can’t wait to be a bride!” Happily buzzing around chasing up florists, caterers, banqueting halls and dress shopping for not just one but four wedding outfits, Anssa doesn’t really have time to be worrying over little things like volcanoes. She is more concerned with her upcoming Nikkah ceremony, taking place on the 12th July in her parents’ house in North Lanarkshire before travelling to Lahore with her new husband for her Valima reception. To organise such a spectacular wedding I thought you would have needed to hire an expensive multinational wedding coordinator (or be superwoman). As it turns out, you need a little of both and Anssa has been lucky enough to have an experienced wedding planner at her disposal: her sister!
Twenty four year old Ouzma married her husband Waheed in a lavish celebration spanning two continents in July 2006. The pair were introduced while separately visiting their families in Lahore and it took only a matter of months for Waheed to propose.
“ I was so happy.” Ouzma enthuses. “I went out and bought as many wedding magazines as I could get my hands on, just like Anssa!”
As a student at Edinburgh’s prestigious school of art, it was no surprise that Ouzma immediately sought out the latest fashions for her wedding. She trawled through the best designer boutiques from Glasgow to London in a quest to find her perfect wedding dress and when the search proved fruitless she did what any great artist would do; she designed her own!
“Colour was very important to me,” she explains. “I knew I didn’t want the traditional pinks or maroons. I decided on a vibrant green dress for my Nikkah, laced with ornate gold embellishments. I commissioned a seamstress in Lahore to make the dress to my specification. It was exactly what I wanted; contemporary and original with a traditional twist.”
Ouzma continued this fusion of contemporary and traditional elements throughout her wedding. Just like Anssa’s imminent Nikkah, Ouzma and Waheed’s ceremony was an intimate affair, held in her mother’s house in front of their family and friends. Their ceremony emanated elegance. Ouzma’s flowers were a simple yet stunning bouquet of pure white roses which contrasted beautifully against her vibrant green dress. Fragrant white lilies and daises also decorated the house and the garden. Ouzma used her artistic flare to add another personal touch to the day by making the white bouquets and hairpieces for her attendants herself.
Not forgetting the groom of course, Waheed looked sharp in a modern charcoal suit by Zara. He jokes that one of his main jobs was to look good in his suit.
“You did a great job!” Ouzma laughs. “And I did a great job helping you choose your suit!”
After their Nikkah, Ouzma and Waheed had decided to live apart for a short while so Waheed could stay in London to further his career in accountancy and Ouzma could finish her degree. But the pair could not be apart and so decided to go to Pakistan and organise their Valima a little sooner than expected. With only three weeks to organise their Valima, a host of family and friends were enlisted to help arrange a reception for over three hundred people. At the height of Lahore’s wedding season this may seem like a tall order, but Ouzma pulled it off with the same originality and style displayed throughout her wedding.
“I was a bit of a Bridezilla,” she admits. “I dragged my sister-in-law around all the boutiques in Lahore to help me wade through rails of wedding dresses and yet again found nothing. I looked for someone to make a dress to my design but no one would do it because of the short notice so I was frantic.”
It was her sister-in-law who came to the rescue by finding a local designer willing to put together the dress within a week who, as fate would have it, was the very same seamstress who finished her green dress!
“I almost landed a job as a dress designer! My seamstress was adamant we should join forces and set up a business as she loved my designs. I am still thinking about it,” Ouzma admits.
The shortage of time was certainly not reflected in the intricate details of the celebration. Ouzma chose a contemporary Mughal theme for her Valima which was continued in her dress and jewellery (also her own design). In her dress she used shades of lilac infused with maroon and gold which complemented her stunning garnet and gold Mughal inspired jewellery.
The Taj Mahal banqueting hall in Lahore proved to be the ideal venue. With the beautiful brass detailing in its décor, reflecting the Mughal style, and rooms large enough to cater for over five hundred people, it was perfect for Ouzma and Waheed’s contemporary reception where their guests were treated to a Punjabi style feast.
After their exhilarating but exhausting celebrations, the couple chose to wind down during a relaxing honeymoon in Murree and Islamabad.
It seems that pre-wedding stress is all part of the package no matter when or where you are getting married, it is how you handle it that counts. Can Ouzma give any post-wedding advice to Anssa and I and all the nervous future brides who are in the midst of their wedding preparations?
“Yes. On the day, just let it happen. The little mishaps and imperfections are what will make your wedding memorable,” Ouzma tells us. “ When all is said and done, this will be the only day that will be just about you and your husband. Enjoy it!”
Even with these excellent words of advice, I tell Ouzma and Anssa that I still can’t let go of the volcano issue even though I know I can’t control it.
“Well, try dealing with not knowing whether your dress and jewellery will be delivered to you until one hour before your wedding!” Ouzma says, speaking from experience. Well, putting that in perspective, I’ll take the volcano any day!
By Lynne McGarry
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Foxy femininity
21st century catwalks reviving 16th century fashion
FASHION through the ages has always taken inspiration and borrowed iconic designs and trends from different decades; the mods and rockers fashion of the 60’s, the flares of 70’s, and the shoulders pads and leggings from the 80’s, have all been revamped in the Noughties and reside on the rails of the closets in the twenty-tens.
Bubbling up from way back in the 16th century the style that is once again back in the good graces of the trend setters of 21st century is the corset; remodelled and revived the corset is, literately, sculpting the 2010 catwalks.
The corset has undergone many revivals over the years. From Haute Couture designers such as Christian Dior introducing “the waspie” waist cincher into his label and to the fashion elite in the 1940’s; to Madonna’s infamous Jean Paul Gaultier gold cone corset showcased in her 1980’s Blond Ambition tour. In 2001 the silver screen lit up with Moulin Rogue and the corset once again began to make an appearance in mainstream fashion. 2010 and the London, Paris, New York and Milan catwalks have all showcased the Underwear as Outerwear trend, which has subsequently filtered down to the High Street with stores such as Miss Selfridge, H&M and Topshop endorsing corset style dresses and tops.
Celebs from Hollywood to Bollywood have embraced the figure enhancing style with Jessica Alba, Anne Hathaway and even Sarah Jessica Parker walking down the red carpet with their waists cinched; on the other side of the globe Katrina Kaif and Shilpa Shetty have dared to don. Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie, Keira Knightly, Halle Berry and Salma Hayek are also fans of the figure sculpting corset.
The music industry has also championed the corset with not only Magde rocking the boned bodice but Fergie of Black Eyed Peas, the Pussy Cat Dolls, JLo, Kylie Minogue, Rihanna, and the Queen of the Corset, Lady Gaga.
A little lady that is corset crazy is Tehmeena Latif founder of Boutique in the Attic. Tehmeena’s passion for the corset could perhaps even rival Gaga’s, which is some feat to say the least. Ms Latif’s love affair with the waist cinched style snowballed from the desire to find her perfect corset right the way through to launching her own bespoke Corset Company. Tehmeena explains, “My love of corsets started a couple of years ago. The first time I tried on my own corset I couldn’t believe how my body changed. If you have a boxy torso, like me, it can cinch your waist for that much wanted waistline. If you are curvier it can reduce your waistline by inches. If you are lacking in curves the garment can help you create a more feminine shape. Previously, I had bought High Street corsets, you know the ones, flimsy, inexpensive, some too low and some too short, needless to say none were my perfect fit. This frustration led me to enrol into a corset-making workshop and learn how to make an authentic corset; boned, lined, the works, tailored to suit my body.”
Here in lies the crucial difference between the High Street corset fashion style and those from specialist retailers, “High Street corsets are not corsets per se, they mimic the look of a corset but do not fulfil the function of a corset” explains Tehmeena. “The mass produced corset-esque styles have the boned effect but are not actually ribbed with steels to help pull your waistline into shape. They often lack in other authentic features such as the lace-up at the back and busks at the front and these are often replaced with zips. You’re probably thinking that this makes it easier for me to get in and out of. Well, yes, that it may be, but the benefit of the authentic lace-up corset is that if you happen to put on a few pounds or loose some, chances are you will still be able to wear your corset again. Lace-up corsets do not meet at the back, therefore if you gain weight the gap is increased and if you loose weight the gap is met. Either way the garment still looks amazing.”
The beauty of the corset is that it can be worn regardless of your figure as it accentuates your assets, in addition to nipping in the waist and boosting the boobs the corset is versatile when it comes to changes in your dress size with up to two dress sizes of wiggle room – banishing those pesky ‘fat days’ in favour of spellbinding confidence and a ravishing silhouette.
A corset is a unique investment piece for your wardrobe unrivalled by other attire. “Often people ask, why corsets? Why not dresses, t-shirts, or a range of clothing garments? The answer is simple, the feeling one gets from being tied into a lace-up corset does not come from any other piece of clothing in my opinion” explains Tehmeena.
“Recently I got the girls together to have a peek at my most recent designs, any excuse for a girls night in! The fun of it was none of these girls had ever tried on a boned corset (corset virgins as I like to call them) so to see their reaction when being lace-up tight and tighter into one of my designs was exciting. They felt so feminine, admiring a waist which they thought they never had; they didn’t want to take them off! That’s when I know I have touched on something special.
"Corsets may be a 16th century garment however they are adaptable to any style; a pair with jeans on a night out, customise with a skirt for a formal party or your school prom, and even build a corset into your wedding dress design to enhance your figure and exude elegance on your big day. This is most definitely an item of clothing that will stay in your wardrobe forever.”
Written by Angie Bennett
Corsets: Boutique in the Attic // Photography: Afzal of Impressions // Hair & Make-up: Kanval of Impressions // Venue:Pollock House
FASHION through the ages has always taken inspiration and borrowed iconic designs and trends from different decades; the mods and rockers fashion of the 60’s, the flares of 70’s, and the shoulders pads and leggings from the 80’s, have all been revamped in the Noughties and reside on the rails of the closets in the twenty-tens.
Bubbling up from way back in the 16th century the style that is once again back in the good graces of the trend setters of 21st century is the corset; remodelled and revived the corset is, literately, sculpting the 2010 catwalks.
Celebs from Hollywood to Bollywood have embraced the figure enhancing style with Jessica Alba, Anne Hathaway and even Sarah Jessica Parker walking down the red carpet with their waists cinched; on the other side of the globe Katrina Kaif and Shilpa Shetty have dared to don. Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie, Keira Knightly, Halle Berry and Salma Hayek are also fans of the figure sculpting corset.
The music industry has also championed the corset with not only Magde rocking the boned bodice but Fergie of Black Eyed Peas, the Pussy Cat Dolls, JLo, Kylie Minogue, Rihanna, and the Queen of the Corset, Lady Gaga.
A little lady that is corset crazy is Tehmeena Latif founder of Boutique in the Attic. Tehmeena’s passion for the corset could perhaps even rival Gaga’s, which is some feat to say the least. Ms Latif’s love affair with the waist cinched style snowballed from the desire to find her perfect corset right the way through to launching her own bespoke Corset Company. Tehmeena explains, “My love of corsets started a couple of years ago. The first time I tried on my own corset I couldn’t believe how my body changed. If you have a boxy torso, like me, it can cinch your waist for that much wanted waistline. If you are curvier it can reduce your waistline by inches. If you are lacking in curves the garment can help you create a more feminine shape. Previously, I had bought High Street corsets, you know the ones, flimsy, inexpensive, some too low and some too short, needless to say none were my perfect fit. This frustration led me to enrol into a corset-making workshop and learn how to make an authentic corset; boned, lined, the works, tailored to suit my body.”
Here in lies the crucial difference between the High Street corset fashion style and those from specialist retailers, “High Street corsets are not corsets per se, they mimic the look of a corset but do not fulfil the function of a corset” explains Tehmeena. “The mass produced corset-esque styles have the boned effect but are not actually ribbed with steels to help pull your waistline into shape. They often lack in other authentic features such as the lace-up at the back and busks at the front and these are often replaced with zips. You’re probably thinking that this makes it easier for me to get in and out of. Well, yes, that it may be, but the benefit of the authentic lace-up corset is that if you happen to put on a few pounds or loose some, chances are you will still be able to wear your corset again. Lace-up corsets do not meet at the back, therefore if you gain weight the gap is increased and if you loose weight the gap is met. Either way the garment still looks amazing.”
The beauty of the corset is that it can be worn regardless of your figure as it accentuates your assets, in addition to nipping in the waist and boosting the boobs the corset is versatile when it comes to changes in your dress size with up to two dress sizes of wiggle room – banishing those pesky ‘fat days’ in favour of spellbinding confidence and a ravishing silhouette.
A corset is a unique investment piece for your wardrobe unrivalled by other attire. “Often people ask, why corsets? Why not dresses, t-shirts, or a range of clothing garments? The answer is simple, the feeling one gets from being tied into a lace-up corset does not come from any other piece of clothing in my opinion” explains Tehmeena.
“Recently I got the girls together to have a peek at my most recent designs, any excuse for a girls night in! The fun of it was none of these girls had ever tried on a boned corset (corset virgins as I like to call them) so to see their reaction when being lace-up tight and tighter into one of my designs was exciting. They felt so feminine, admiring a waist which they thought they never had; they didn’t want to take them off! That’s when I know I have touched on something special.
"Corsets may be a 16th century garment however they are adaptable to any style; a pair with jeans on a night out, customise with a skirt for a formal party or your school prom, and even build a corset into your wedding dress design to enhance your figure and exude elegance on your big day. This is most definitely an item of clothing that will stay in your wardrobe forever.”
Written by Angie Bennett
Corsets: Boutique in the Attic // Photography: Afzal of Impressions // Hair & Make-up: Kanval of Impressions // Venue:Pollock House
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
A Paradise of Flowers
FROM getting dog-housed husbands off the hook to making groveling apologies for forgetting a birthday, the humble bloom performs a huge number of functions! Be it a wilting forecourt bunch or an extravagant designer bouquet flowers are, for many, the ultimate romantic gesture. One lady who is particularly aware of the power of the flower is award-winning florist Shanaz Adnan of Paradise of Flowers.
With over thirteen years’ experience Shanaz certainly knows her stuff and has arranged the flowers for countless weddings. So what are Shanaz’s top tips for a couple choosing their wedding flowers? “Come with some idea of what it is that you would like as this is very helpful for the florist. Even if it’s just a vague idea you have seen in a magazine or a list of some of your favourite flowers it’s best to have some thoughts and the florist can help you develop them. They should also know what it is they are wearing so that we can coordinate with the outfits. Some couples try to choose their flowers according to what the venue is like and this can be problematic. If the flowers and venue match, everything tends to blend in together and the tastes of the bride and groom are not really shown. I think it’s very important for the couple’s ideas to be reflected in their wedding flowers.”
Her stunning bridal bouquets and breathtaking arrangements are truly a sight to behold but how does Shanaz go about designing the flowers for a wedding: “Although it is best if the couple has an idea of what they want, often the couple has no clue what they are looking for so we can work together to create an idea. I can show them some wedding magazines to give them ideas and I’ll show them particular flowers to find out what they like.” She explains that she is often able to use a couple’s ideas as a starting point and then work from here, adding additional blooms “I always ask to make sure that there are no flowers or colours that they don’t like, many people associate lilies and carnations with funerals and so I like to make sure there is nothing I should avoid.” I ask how she ensures she doesn’t end up with a bridezilla on her hands: “some brides are quite easy going and you can add things and make suggestions while others are very particular and know exactly what it is that they want and in those cases I don’t add anything at all. I note down what they ask for and stick to it like a bible!”
Floral Trends for 2010
“Most of the summer wedding orders for the bride’s bouquets are red rose hand ties, there has been an influx of them! This was also popular last year and both Asian and Western brides want red roses. Hand ties are generally better for bouquets too as they sit better and stay fresher for longer and the bride is able to put the flowers in water when she isn’t using it” – a top tip for all you brides to be!
So how about winter? “Winter flowers are very expensive” says Shanaz, “Purples, yellows and blues are especially expensive in winter as they are not readily available Greens, reds, whites and golds are usually easier to get during the winter months and are often used in weddings around this time.”
Fusion Fashion
Given the recent trend for fusion weddings, I ask if Shanaz has noticed Asian and Western traditions coming together in her floral arrangements. “A couple had a lilac colour scheme and so I combined cream roses with thistles because her husband was wearing a kilt. I added some lilac ribbons to her bouquet to tie in with the colour scheme, the bride was absolutely ecstatic with what we created for her. For another wedding the bride asked for cream and red roses and I added diamantes to the bouquets for a little extra sparkle. I also did the centrepieces for that wedding. For something a little different I filled bowls with red dyed water and cream roses, it looked fantastic!”
A Blossoming Romance…
When asked how the business came about, Shanaz reveals that this is, in fact, a love story in itself as she actually co-owns Paradise of Flowers with her husband Muhammad, who is responsible for the deliveries. Shanaz and Muhammad met some six years ago when at a wedding in Pakistan: “He was the most gorgeous guy there, I couldn’t stop looking at him! I couldn’t believe it when he asked for my hand in marriage!”
Shanaz clearly adores her job and talks passionately about weddings she has been involved in previously. Shanaz became involved in floristry after attending a one-day course at Langside College: “I absolutely loved it! I came home with such a huge buzz. I immediately started cutting foliage from my mother’s garden and practising making my own bouquets and posies.” Having realised where her passion lay Shanaz began her business from home, primarily arranging flowers for Asian weddings before landing a major contract with Glasgow City Council. In the interim years Shanaz gravitated away from floristry until October 2009 when she and her husband decided to open Paradise of Flowers together. Although initially purely a florist, the couple soon realised the shop had further potential and began selling an array of cards and gifts, such as jewellery, perfume and chocolates as well as floral arrangements.
Shanaz works very hard to please all her customers and, by looking at the numerous positive testimonials on the website, she is clearly doing a good job. She also offers a number of services in order to make couples’ lives as easy as possible: “We recently began the ‘Flower Account’, this means that a couple can put down any deposit they like and then pay it up slowly up to the date of their wedding. This means that there is no big bill for the couple and that they can pay at their convenience.”
Shanaz’s passion and enthusiasm for flowers as well as her creative talent make it easy to see how she earned the accolade of Florist of the Year. To view some of her beautiful arrangements and organise a consultation with Paradise of Flowers visit their website at:
By Sophie MacGregor
With over thirteen years’ experience Shanaz certainly knows her stuff and has arranged the flowers for countless weddings. So what are Shanaz’s top tips for a couple choosing their wedding flowers? “Come with some idea of what it is that you would like as this is very helpful for the florist. Even if it’s just a vague idea you have seen in a magazine or a list of some of your favourite flowers it’s best to have some thoughts and the florist can help you develop them. They should also know what it is they are wearing so that we can coordinate with the outfits. Some couples try to choose their flowers according to what the venue is like and this can be problematic. If the flowers and venue match, everything tends to blend in together and the tastes of the bride and groom are not really shown. I think it’s very important for the couple’s ideas to be reflected in their wedding flowers.”
Her stunning bridal bouquets and breathtaking arrangements are truly a sight to behold but how does Shanaz go about designing the flowers for a wedding: “Although it is best if the couple has an idea of what they want, often the couple has no clue what they are looking for so we can work together to create an idea. I can show them some wedding magazines to give them ideas and I’ll show them particular flowers to find out what they like.” She explains that she is often able to use a couple’s ideas as a starting point and then work from here, adding additional blooms “I always ask to make sure that there are no flowers or colours that they don’t like, many people associate lilies and carnations with funerals and so I like to make sure there is nothing I should avoid.” I ask how she ensures she doesn’t end up with a bridezilla on her hands: “some brides are quite easy going and you can add things and make suggestions while others are very particular and know exactly what it is that they want and in those cases I don’t add anything at all. I note down what they ask for and stick to it like a bible!”
Floral Trends for 2010
“Most of the summer wedding orders for the bride’s bouquets are red rose hand ties, there has been an influx of them! This was also popular last year and both Asian and Western brides want red roses. Hand ties are generally better for bouquets too as they sit better and stay fresher for longer and the bride is able to put the flowers in water when she isn’t using it” – a top tip for all you brides to be!
So how about winter? “Winter flowers are very expensive” says Shanaz, “Purples, yellows and blues are especially expensive in winter as they are not readily available Greens, reds, whites and golds are usually easier to get during the winter months and are often used in weddings around this time.”
Fusion Fashion
Given the recent trend for fusion weddings, I ask if Shanaz has noticed Asian and Western traditions coming together in her floral arrangements. “A couple had a lilac colour scheme and so I combined cream roses with thistles because her husband was wearing a kilt. I added some lilac ribbons to her bouquet to tie in with the colour scheme, the bride was absolutely ecstatic with what we created for her. For another wedding the bride asked for cream and red roses and I added diamantes to the bouquets for a little extra sparkle. I also did the centrepieces for that wedding. For something a little different I filled bowls with red dyed water and cream roses, it looked fantastic!”
A Blossoming Romance…
When asked how the business came about, Shanaz reveals that this is, in fact, a love story in itself as she actually co-owns Paradise of Flowers with her husband Muhammad, who is responsible for the deliveries. Shanaz and Muhammad met some six years ago when at a wedding in Pakistan: “He was the most gorgeous guy there, I couldn’t stop looking at him! I couldn’t believe it when he asked for my hand in marriage!”
Shanaz clearly adores her job and talks passionately about weddings she has been involved in previously. Shanaz became involved in floristry after attending a one-day course at Langside College: “I absolutely loved it! I came home with such a huge buzz. I immediately started cutting foliage from my mother’s garden and practising making my own bouquets and posies.” Having realised where her passion lay Shanaz began her business from home, primarily arranging flowers for Asian weddings before landing a major contract with Glasgow City Council. In the interim years Shanaz gravitated away from floristry until October 2009 when she and her husband decided to open Paradise of Flowers together. Although initially purely a florist, the couple soon realised the shop had further potential and began selling an array of cards and gifts, such as jewellery, perfume and chocolates as well as floral arrangements.
Shanaz works very hard to please all her customers and, by looking at the numerous positive testimonials on the website, she is clearly doing a good job. She also offers a number of services in order to make couples’ lives as easy as possible: “We recently began the ‘Flower Account’, this means that a couple can put down any deposit they like and then pay it up slowly up to the date of their wedding. This means that there is no big bill for the couple and that they can pay at their convenience.”
Shanaz’s passion and enthusiasm for flowers as well as her creative talent make it easy to see how she earned the accolade of Florist of the Year. To view some of her beautiful arrangements and organise a consultation with Paradise of Flowers visit their website at:
By Sophie MacGregor
Floral Trends for 2010
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Put a ring on it
With Summera of The Diamond Studio
Here are my top tips for getting the wedding ring that your heart desires that suits your hand and fits in with your personal style.
Top tips for choosing your wedding rings
1. Pick a colour, pick a metal
Yellow gold, white gold, and platinum – the popular metals each come with different qualities and price tags. Your colour preference and budget will help you decide. However, don’t let your budget alone dictate the metal of your bands as bespoke jewellers will work with your budget.
2. Decide whether to match or not to match wedding band wise
The word on the modern bride and groom grapevine is that the traditional thought of matching his and her wedding bands can be thrown out with the cupcake wedding dress if you don’t feel the same design truly reflects each of your preferences. The wedding bands themselves need not match BUT they should be the same colour.
3. Select the stone
You have the metal now you need to the select the stone (if you are having one). Diamond, sapphire, ruby, emerald and aquamarine are all popular. Add to that amethyst, garnets, and peridots there is quite a few to choose from. Though there are a number of options some stones are less durable in smaller sizes, for example amethyst, garnets and peridots; also round stones are stronger than square.
4. If its diamonds that tickle your fancy get to grips with the 4Cs
The 4Cs of cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight contribute most to the value and look of a diamond.
The CUT refers to the proportions, symmetry and finish of a polished diamond. The brilliance of a diamond depends heavily on its cut. A well-cut diamond reflects maximum light and so sparkles the best. Shallow-cut and deep-cut diamonds let the light escape at the sides or bottom.
The COLOUR of the diamond is a key factor in determining the value and the beauty. Known as “fancies” in the trade the faintest yellow or brown, to the rare pinks, blues and greens offer a choice of colours, however, it is still no colour at all that remains most desirable. A completely colourless diamond allows white light to pass through it effortlessly, allowing the most reflection of light (that’s your sparkle girls) dispersing it again as rainbows of colour.
The CLARITY of a diamond is determined by the visibility, number and size of its inner inclusions that occur in the formation process (wee birthmarks if you will – the vast majority have miniscule ones). The smaller and fewer the inclusions, the more light can pass through the diamond, contributing significantly to its rare beauty.
The CARAT is the unit of weight by which a diamond is measured. Large diamonds are found less commonly than small diamonds so the price of a diamond rises exponentially to its size.
5. Adorn and accentuate your hands
It’s important to try on different designs to look at what suits your hand and fits in with your personal style. Though you may love something in a magazine or display cabinet it may not look the same as you imagined once it’s on your finger so don’t be afraid to try on a number of different styles.
… not hinder them
As wedding bands are worn all the time you may need to consider your vocation when selecting the ring. A jewelled setting ring may not be the best choice for hands that see a lot of action. However, if your heart wants what the heart wants and the day to day hands don’t mind a plain inexpensive band for everyday wear then the official ring can be protected and worn when appropriate.
6. Never be put under pressure by a pushy sales person
Your shopping experience should be relaxed, comfortable and personal to you and your partner. Having even a hint of sales patter can change a perusing trip into a wee bit of an uncomfortable viewing. More likely than not you will try on a number of rings in the double figures (though triple figures is not unheard of!) so do not let sales people influence you negatively.
7. Compare quotes
I know your not shopping round for a bargain when it comes to wedding rings but it is always worth comparing prices once you have selected you final specification. You may be surprised at the differences between X,Y and Z stockists for the same core elements – it may be a pleasant or face pulling surprise but you won’t know until you ask.
8. Always ask for a valuation for insurance
It is important to have cover for your jewellery so always ask for a valuation for insurance purposes.
The Diamond Studio: Summera Shaheen MD
Our popular Bespoke service allows you to have something unique created to suit your style and budget – it is essential that you enjoy this memorable time and be sure to select something you will love and wear always.
Please feel free to call, email or just pop in for advice and guidance
A: The Diamond Studio, Suite 2/2, Argyll Arcade, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, G2 8BD
Website // T: 0141 248 2389 // Email
We look forward to seeing you.
Win £100 Voucher to spend at The Diamond Studio
To win £100 voucher to spend at The Diamond Studio simply answer the following question: What are the 4 Cs?
Email your answer to The Diamond Studio
Winners drawn at random and announced at end of September
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
What’s hot for Autumn/Winter 2010 Weddings
Winter may feel like an eternity away for most of us, but for those planning their big day it’s just around the corner! With so many things to think about; venues to book, catering to organise, invitations to send (let’s not even mention the trauma of shopping for the perfect wedding outfits!), winter will be upon those organising their weddings in a heartbeat. To take some of the pain out of arranging those crucial details here is the rundown of what’s going to be hot in the chillier months....
The Invitation: For many couples the selection of the invitation takes something of a backseat with the need to get them sent quickly taking precedence. However, the selection of the invitation is highly important, the wedding cards you choose give the guests an impression of your wedding and set the tone for your day. Matching the wedding invitations to the colour scheme you have chosen is a particularly stylish touch.
The cost of invitations can vary greatly (generally between £1 and £7 per invite) and so it is possible to find tasteful designs to suit all budgets. Wanderlust Cards, located in Glasgow, offer a range of stunning invitations adorned with delicate crystals, paper flowers, pearls and satin ribbon; these invitations certainly make a statement about your big day!
Don’t forget to order a few extra invites for those guests who have slipped your mind!
The Cake: After diamonds, cake is a girl’s best friend and your wedding cake serves as a centrepiece to your entire day. This autumn/winter is all about colour so don’t be afraid to ask for bright icings and bold decorations! Glasgow bakery The Cake Story offers a wide range of beautifully decorated and delicious wedding cakes that are guaranteed to satisfy even the sweetest of teeth.
Gifts: To register or not to register, that is the question. Many couples feel that registering with a particular store and requesting specific gifts is too demanding and even a little rude. However, this is not the case, guests like to be given an idea of the kinds of gifts you and your partner need/want and would generally rather give you something useful than something that will inevitably end up at a car boot sale! When you are compiling your list make sure the items you include vary in price to ensure that guests’ funds are not stretched beyond their limits. Some of this year’s hottest gadgets are bound to make many couple’s gift lists with the Apple iPad sure to be at the top. Its 9.7 inch LCD touch screen, high speed internet connection and countless applications mean that Apple’s latest techno toy is sure to be a major seller, however, with prices starting at £429 your list will definitely require some less costly alternatives. For the less gadget-orientated couple how about something for their marital home, Alessi’s love heart silver spoons are the perfect quirky gift for a loved up couple and will look perfect on any newly-weds’ dining table!
Flowers: Tradition and simplicity are key when it comes to this year’s floral trends. While red roses are the hottest bloom of the summer, autumn and winter sees the return of seasonal reds, greens and golds.
Honeymoon: Although it’s the best day of your life, getting married is exhausting! After the ceremonies you will certainly be ready for a holiday so you had better make sure you choose the perfect destination for both of you. You should choose a destination that has activities you can both enjoy; dragging your new husband around 5th avenue may not be his idea of a good time! Egypt is one of the hippest holiday destinations of 2010 with year-round good weather and a multitude of activities, Egypt offers something for everyone. Famous for its superb scuba diving, the Sharm El Sheikh resort has beautiful beaches, amazing restaurants, desert safaris and incredible shopping; a must-visit for any newly-wed couple.
Favours: Owing to the current economic climate, DIY is huge in 2010 and this extends to weddings. Wedding favours are easily made at home and by crafting them yourselves you add a personal touch to these small gestures of gratitude. Cupcakes are currently the trendiest patisserie around so why not bake a batch and package them in decorative boxes. If you don’t fancy really getting your hands dirty you can simply buy sweets (for example from the Glasgow Sweet House) and package them yourself using tulle circles or decorative boxes.
Transport: The horse and carriage is back! Although perhaps a little over the top for some couples, the horse and carriage will be making an appearance at numerous weddings this autumn and winter. The inclusion of our equine friends is sure to make your wedding day that bit more memorable, adding elegance and a touch of old-school glamour. Carriages for All Occasions, a company based in Bathgate, have a number of different horses and carriages to choose from to ensure that you get everything you require.
The Invitation: For many couples the selection of the invitation takes something of a backseat with the need to get them sent quickly taking precedence. However, the selection of the invitation is highly important, the wedding cards you choose give the guests an impression of your wedding and set the tone for your day. Matching the wedding invitations to the colour scheme you have chosen is a particularly stylish touch.
The cost of invitations can vary greatly (generally between £1 and £7 per invite) and so it is possible to find tasteful designs to suit all budgets. Wanderlust Cards, located in Glasgow, offer a range of stunning invitations adorned with delicate crystals, paper flowers, pearls and satin ribbon; these invitations certainly make a statement about your big day!
Don’t forget to order a few extra invites for those guests who have slipped your mind!
The Cake: After diamonds, cake is a girl’s best friend and your wedding cake serves as a centrepiece to your entire day. This autumn/winter is all about colour so don’t be afraid to ask for bright icings and bold decorations! Glasgow bakery The Cake Story offers a wide range of beautifully decorated and delicious wedding cakes that are guaranteed to satisfy even the sweetest of teeth.
Gifts: To register or not to register, that is the question. Many couples feel that registering with a particular store and requesting specific gifts is too demanding and even a little rude. However, this is not the case, guests like to be given an idea of the kinds of gifts you and your partner need/want and would generally rather give you something useful than something that will inevitably end up at a car boot sale! When you are compiling your list make sure the items you include vary in price to ensure that guests’ funds are not stretched beyond their limits. Some of this year’s hottest gadgets are bound to make many couple’s gift lists with the Apple iPad sure to be at the top. Its 9.7 inch LCD touch screen, high speed internet connection and countless applications mean that Apple’s latest techno toy is sure to be a major seller, however, with prices starting at £429 your list will definitely require some less costly alternatives. For the less gadget-orientated couple how about something for their marital home, Alessi’s love heart silver spoons are the perfect quirky gift for a loved up couple and will look perfect on any newly-weds’ dining table!
Flowers: Tradition and simplicity are key when it comes to this year’s floral trends. While red roses are the hottest bloom of the summer, autumn and winter sees the return of seasonal reds, greens and golds.
Honeymoon: Although it’s the best day of your life, getting married is exhausting! After the ceremonies you will certainly be ready for a holiday so you had better make sure you choose the perfect destination for both of you. You should choose a destination that has activities you can both enjoy; dragging your new husband around 5th avenue may not be his idea of a good time! Egypt is one of the hippest holiday destinations of 2010 with year-round good weather and a multitude of activities, Egypt offers something for everyone. Famous for its superb scuba diving, the Sharm El Sheikh resort has beautiful beaches, amazing restaurants, desert safaris and incredible shopping; a must-visit for any newly-wed couple.
Favours: Owing to the current economic climate, DIY is huge in 2010 and this extends to weddings. Wedding favours are easily made at home and by crafting them yourselves you add a personal touch to these small gestures of gratitude. Cupcakes are currently the trendiest patisserie around so why not bake a batch and package them in decorative boxes. If you don’t fancy really getting your hands dirty you can simply buy sweets (for example from the Glasgow Sweet House) and package them yourself using tulle circles or decorative boxes.
Transport: The horse and carriage is back! Although perhaps a little over the top for some couples, the horse and carriage will be making an appearance at numerous weddings this autumn and winter. The inclusion of our equine friends is sure to make your wedding day that bit more memorable, adding elegance and a touch of old-school glamour. Carriages for All Occasions, a company based in Bathgate, have a number of different horses and carriages to choose from to ensure that you get everything you require.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Add Some Spice to Your Event
From invitations to outfits, venues to vol au vents, cakes to cars; weddings are an organisational nightmare! With so much to think about, planning a wedding is a huge challenge for even the most prepared couple. The obvious solution to the stress is to enlist a wedding planner, but even choosing this can be a nerve-wracking decision. Born out of a duo of skills, Spice Events is Glasgow’s best-kept wedding planning secret, proving that two heads are better than one...
Launched three years ago by Afzal and his good friend Mazhar, Spice Events offers everything you need for your big day. Each member of this small team is highly skilled in their own specialist area, ensuring that every aspect of your wedding is arranged by the best possible person for the job.
With more than seven years’ photographic experience Afzal knows exactly how to capture the essence of a wedding and create a lasting impression of your special day. To ensure that you are looking your best, Kanval is on hand to create the perfect make up look for you, her magical touch is in extremely high demand and her stunning make up has graced the pages of Occasions a number of times. Mazhar’s skills lies within Event Management and catering, having worked in the wedding industry for ten years and having provided silver service and scrumptious menu’s for countless weddings, he certainly knows his stuff!
With more than seven years’ photographic experience Afzal knows exactly how to capture the essence of a wedding and create a lasting impression of your special day. To ensure that you are looking your best, Kanval is on hand to create the perfect make up look for you, her magical touch is in extremely high demand and her stunning make up has graced the pages of Occasions a number of times. Mazhar’s skills lies within Event Management and catering, having worked in the wedding industry for ten years and having provided silver service and scrumptious menu’s for countless weddings, he certainly knows his stuff!
How did Spice Events come about?
Mazhar and Afzal explain that they realised that by combining their separate skills they could create a unique service: “No-one does a full package”, Mazhar explains, “We do everything in-house. We do the cutlery, crockery, staff, Decor, photos, make up, everything!” With extensive hands-on experience in different sectors of the industry, the Spice Events team truly understand the inner workings of weddings and can use their expertise to make sure your day runs flawlessly.
What makes Spice Events different?
With its sights set on appealing to the younger generation Spice Events is a true breath of fresh air in the Asian wedding industry. As a young, dynamic company Spice Events has its finger firmly on the pulse and is aware that traditions are changing: “ten years ago we would only deal with the parents, now we occasionally get just the bride and groom coming in. The mother and father almost always have an input though as they are paying for it!” As Afzal points out; weddings are family affairs and Spice Events works tirelessly to ensure that everyone is satisfied with the big day. The service offered by Spice Events is extremely personal with the team working so closely with the family that they often get to know virtually the whole wedding party by name!
Spice Events is also unique in that, despite being in high demand, they choose to work on only one wedding per day. The team understand the importance of each wedding they are involved in and so opt to devote their full attention to one project at a time: “We would rather just do one wedding a day than risk someone’s big day.”
Due to their wealth of practical experience in the industry, the Spice Events team are at a major advantage when it comes to arranging the finer details: “Because we are actually in the industry and we’re not just wedding planners we know what is and what is not possible. We’ve seen how things work” – a reassuring thought for any couple! This insider knowledge means that no rash promises will be made, although the team are very confident in their abilities: “Nothing’s too hard for us to do” says Mazhar, recalling one particularly ambitious event at which the bride wanted a catwalk, dry ice, indoor fireworks and special lighting! Despite the extravagant nature of this wedding the team’s experience, hard work and dedication to their clients meant that it ran without a hitch and the bride got everything she wanted. The team “We are there to help with the venue and to manage the event on the day
Despite having never advertised, Spice Events is kept extremely busy, with satisfied clients eagerly spreading the word about this exclusive company. Each of the members of the Spice team’s talents are so well known that people are actually willing to organise their wedding date around when they are available! Kanval and her incredible make up looks are in such high demand that brides come to her before they have thought about dates, venues and outfits to ensure that she will be on hand to bring out their natural beauty.
Spice Events Website
add some spice to your event
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Single Girl in the City
I’m Uzma, a single girl in the city of Glasgow discovering bargain buys, trendy places to eat, events not to be missed, the latest beauty tips… anything really that tickles my fancy as a South Asian Muslim woman living in the UK today. I’ll be sharing my diary of discoveries with you lovely readers and in return, should you have anything in particular you want to discuss, ask, or even a mission of discovery you want to dispatch me on, drop me an email and let me know.
Sun and the City
You are always able to tell the weather is good when everyone seems to be strolling around with sunglasses on, eating ice cream, with their car windows rolled down with a bad copy of a dodgy downloaded bhangra track blaring. Yes, this unfortunately does also happen in other streets around Scotland too, not just Albert Drive!
When the sun is out everyone slaps on the sun screen and puts on bare minimum summery clothing to relax and top up their tan. Or do they? I dragged a few of my girlfriends out for a spot of shopping last weekend. Whilst I rampaged through the sale racks stampeding over women who dare try and get their first I noticed that one of my friends was looking a bit lost. She has recently started to wear a Hijab and finds it a mission impossible to shop during the summer because the majority of clothing seems to have the rest of the fabric ‘missing’ as our mother dearest would say!
A lot of South Asian girls quiver at the thought of wearing clothes that reveal anything more than an ankle. And rightly so, should they be young strong women who strictly follow their religion and choose to wear a Hijab and cover up according to Islamic beliefs.
So how do you dress for summer and stay looking trendy and cool (literally), and avoid having the men in your household hunting you down? I decided to do some research for you ladies out there who choose to cover up – regardless of religion you do not have your style dictated to you by the High Streets shops.
eShakti is what I discovered. Okay, it may not be the solution to all your problems and I can’t promise it will make you look like the next Aishwarya Rai, or stop those irritating kids driving by you and blaring music but it’s a start and I think you might just be pleasantly surprised! eShakti designs their own clothing but the beauty is, they allow you to customize what you buy. You can choose the style of straps, depth of neckline, length or cut for absolutely anything that you buy from this website. I can hear your thoughts right now and yes your right, I am an absolute legend and yes, I do love me too. Check it out on Drop me an email and let me know how you get on!
For more ideas and options on fashion that blends modesty and style check out the Style Covered section here.
Sun and the City
You are always able to tell the weather is good when everyone seems to be strolling around with sunglasses on, eating ice cream, with their car windows rolled down with a bad copy of a dodgy downloaded bhangra track blaring. Yes, this unfortunately does also happen in other streets around Scotland too, not just Albert Drive!
When the sun is out everyone slaps on the sun screen and puts on bare minimum summery clothing to relax and top up their tan. Or do they? I dragged a few of my girlfriends out for a spot of shopping last weekend. Whilst I rampaged through the sale racks stampeding over women who dare try and get their first I noticed that one of my friends was looking a bit lost. She has recently started to wear a Hijab and finds it a mission impossible to shop during the summer because the majority of clothing seems to have the rest of the fabric ‘missing’ as our mother dearest would say!
A lot of South Asian girls quiver at the thought of wearing clothes that reveal anything more than an ankle. And rightly so, should they be young strong women who strictly follow their religion and choose to wear a Hijab and cover up according to Islamic beliefs.
So how do you dress for summer and stay looking trendy and cool (literally), and avoid having the men in your household hunting you down? I decided to do some research for you ladies out there who choose to cover up – regardless of religion you do not have your style dictated to you by the High Streets shops.
eShakti is what I discovered. Okay, it may not be the solution to all your problems and I can’t promise it will make you look like the next Aishwarya Rai, or stop those irritating kids driving by you and blaring music but it’s a start and I think you might just be pleasantly surprised! eShakti designs their own clothing but the beauty is, they allow you to customize what you buy. You can choose the style of straps, depth of neckline, length or cut for absolutely anything that you buy from this website. I can hear your thoughts right now and yes your right, I am an absolute legend and yes, I do love me too. Check it out on Drop me an email and let me know how you get on!
For more ideas and options on fashion that blends modesty and style check out the Style Covered section here.
single girl in the city
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Style Covered: Blending Modesty with Style
For women who choose to adopt the hijab, shopping on the high street to create a stylish wardrobe that adheres to modesty can prove a bit of a dilemma. Luckily, when it comes to successfully combining Western fashion with an Islamic dress code and tailoring trends to reflect both your personality and beliefs, there are a few women who, when it comes to style, have it covered. Jana Kossaibati, the editor of Hijab Style and designers Sophia Kara, Hana Tajima Simpson and Sarah Ellenay talk to Occasions on how to dress with modestly in mind.
Elenany by Sarah Elenany |
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Imaan Collections by Sophia Kara |
Jana Kossaibati is the editor of Hijab Style, one of the first style guides for Muslim women launched in the UK in 2007. The blog began as a reaction to the lack of mainstream fashion appropriate to the needs of Muslim women and a lack of inspiration in the Muslim fashion industry. Hijab Style aims to bring up and coming Muslim designers to the public’s attention and promote new brands which specialise in modest fashion.
“We see a great range of styles amongst Muslim women, which reflects everyone’s individuality, yet all have modesty in common,” says style-savvy Jana. “Modest dressing means that you’re relieved of the pressure of your body being on constant public display and your personality is what really shines through. Muslim women are increasingly choosing to make their style more reflective of who they are as a whole, rather than just sticking to traditional garments.”
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Maysaa by Hana Tajima Simpson |
“Muslim women are the same as non-Muslim women in that they are both just trying to find clothes and a style that belongs to them. That's no easy task for anyone, but when you have almost no one designing for you it becomes so difficult,” says Hana.
“I design in a very personal way, I want that connection to the people who buy my clothes, I think that's why Maysaa has become so popular. The more I can make a design specific and intimate to me, the more it becomes something people can identify with because there is a truth to it. I came to Islam because it made sense to me. There is an incredible amount of truth and beauty there when you look beyond media coverage.”
Those looking to achieve a balance between trendy and tradition should look to Elenany; a contemporary brand of clothing launched in May 2009 at Ideal for young British Muslims, Elenany is unique in its incorporation of modesty with a distinctly urban style and cutting-edge designs.
Elenany by Sarah Elenany |
The young and edgy London-based label screams urban chic and has been praised as a bold new fashion label that gives modesty some serious street cred.
“Fashion is about classic, timeless design.” Sarah observes. “I think it’s important for Muslim women to make a strong statement in their dress but you don’t have to reveal your body to appear feminine. My clothing skims the surface of the body; creating an elegant silhouette, which is modest, yet chic and stylish.”
Her collections include stylish raincoats and jackets with built-in protection for hijabs, smartly cut yet baggy trousers and hoodie dresses decorated with dramatic graphics based on Islam.
For more traditional clothing that still allows women to convey a sense of individualism and creativity, Sophia Kara created the Imaan Collection after being shocked by the lack of stylish and suitable clothing for Muslim women.
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Imaan Collections by Sophia Kara |
“Sisters would stop me in the street and ask me where I got my abaya from.This showed me other people were struggling as well and I thought: if these women are feeling even a fraction of how I first felt then I have to do something!” says Sophia
In her designs Sophia indulges in a rich variety of fabric, texture, colour and embellishments while keeping the outfits loose and modest.
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Maysaa by Hana Tajima Simpson |
While some may argue that the “showy” nature of fashion clashes with the core values of modesty, both are ultimately about self-expression; how modern Muslimahs can present their beliefs, values and personality through their clothing. Hijab is not only concerned with dressing modestly but also how you carry and conduct yourself, so when it comes to deflecting attention and blending in, surely a woman who looks comfortable within herself through dressing to suit her personality will appear less conspicuous, regardless of the colour or style of her clothing and should rightfully combine both?
Considering the ongoing debate over what constitutes modesty, balancing fashion and hijab will continue to prove difficult, yet the diversity offered by these popular modest clothing lines is a promising foundation for a developing faith-based fashion market, which will allow Muslimahs to rock their own individual style in a modest manner.
Written by Laura Smith
Written by Laura Smith
asian clothing,
blending modesty with style,
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Top 10 Hair and Make-up tips
_______Create the Look
With Kanval of Impressions
Top 10 Hair and make-up tips
1. Test your foundation on your jaw line.
“I would say look at what your neck and your body colour is and test it on your jaw line. Make sure it doesn’t go orange, too dark or too light. It has to be spot on – the perfect match.”
2. Bring out the natural tones of your eyes.
“Brown eyes are quite versatile and tend to suit greens, browns and greys. Blue eyes should stick to greys and blues – those kind of shades – and if you’ve got green eyes you can go for browns, coppers and blacks.”
3. Focus on eyes OR lips.
“If you’re wearing dark lipstick go for lighter eyes and if you’ve got darker eyes go for lighter lips. Otherwise it can make you look quite old. The trend just now is definitely more eye make-up than lips. Unless you have the perfect pout, I wouldn’t advise really dark red lips or shocking pink.”
4. Pop on concealer at the very end for a flawless look.
“I put concealer on right at the end because it gives you a cleaner look. When you’re using so many eye shadows you tend to find that a lot of it falls and so what I do is clean up afterwards and put the concealer on right at the end. Set it and then the eye make-up is perfect.”
5. Know your skin.
“If you’ve got oily skin you need to put on block powders and shine removing papers. If you’ve got very dry skin you need to make sure that you’ve moisturised enough beforehand. You can even buy little tubes of moisturiser that you can apply onto your foundation if you’ve got eczema or something and just blend it into your really dry patches. With a little powder setting it should be perfect for the rest of the day. If you’ve got very dry skin and you used an oil-free dry foundation it’s going to look very powdery on you and as if it’s flaking off.”
6. Invest in a backcombing brush.
“The sixties beehive style is very fashionable at the moment. To create the look you need a good backcombing brush and you need to have a mirror at the back and the front because it might look fine from the front but you need to make sure it’s just as neat at the back.”
7. Go easy on the hairspray and pins.
“The look is not to have it over-pinned – just have enough there to hold up your style. When things get over-pinned it starts looking quite grannyish. Pick a hairspray with a slightly flexible hold and don’t freeze-dry your hair into that place where it looks a bit unnatural and starts looking greasy. Apply the spray place the natural hair over the top. If you over-spray you’ll probably have to wash and start again.”
8. Let someone else experiment with your look.
“I think the best looks are the ones where I’m allowed to take control. If you’re used to doing a look in a certain way then somebody who looks at you in a different light will make the best of your features. If you’re used to doing your eye liner a certain way then you’re not going to look any different on your wedding day if you make the make-up artist do the same look that you do.”
9. Take a photo of your completed look before popping out.
“Taking a quick picture to see how your make-up comes out will give you a better idea of your look than using a mirror. Some brides ask for very little make-up thinking it seems a lot but when they see it on camera you can’t actually see it and so sometimes I advise them to go slightly heavier than normal. I will show them that the camera kind of absorbs make-up and so you really need to go slightly heavier.”
10. Apply blusher to match your face shape.
“If you’ve got quite a slim face then put blusher on the apples of your cheeks and blend it out towards the ears. If you have quite high cheekbones then blend it more up towards your temples to slim your face down.”
_______Create the Look
Face: First the face was totally cleansed, toned, moisturised. A primer was applied before the foundation – I chose NW 25 because she has quite a lot of pink tone in her face – and set with studio fix powder. Add concealer to cover up freckles for a flawless complexion.
Products: Mac studio fix fluid foundation in NW25, Mac studio fix finishing powder.
Cheeks: A tan tone blusher was applied to give her a bronze effect.
Products: Mac tantone blusher, golden bronzer.
Eyes: Her eyebrows were neatened with an eyebrow pencil and an eye shadow base was applied on which there was greys, blues, navys and blacks all blended together to bring out her greyish blue eyes. Start lighter and go darker and darker, from the inner corner. False eyelashes were applied to give her a cat-like look.”
Products: Mac eyeshadows in blue, navy, black and grey.
Lips: A very light pink lipstick was applied and topped with gloss.
Products: Mac creamcup lipstick, clear gloss, lipliner in subculture.
Hair: The hair was backcombed really high. Jewellery was set in it and it was twisted back to create a very graceful look.
With Kanval of Impressions
Top 10 Hair and make-up tips
1. Test your foundation on your jaw line.
“I would say look at what your neck and your body colour is and test it on your jaw line. Make sure it doesn’t go orange, too dark or too light. It has to be spot on – the perfect match.”
2. Bring out the natural tones of your eyes.
“Brown eyes are quite versatile and tend to suit greens, browns and greys. Blue eyes should stick to greys and blues – those kind of shades – and if you’ve got green eyes you can go for browns, coppers and blacks.”
3. Focus on eyes OR lips.
“If you’re wearing dark lipstick go for lighter eyes and if you’ve got darker eyes go for lighter lips. Otherwise it can make you look quite old. The trend just now is definitely more eye make-up than lips. Unless you have the perfect pout, I wouldn’t advise really dark red lips or shocking pink.”
4. Pop on concealer at the very end for a flawless look.
“I put concealer on right at the end because it gives you a cleaner look. When you’re using so many eye shadows you tend to find that a lot of it falls and so what I do is clean up afterwards and put the concealer on right at the end. Set it and then the eye make-up is perfect.”
5. Know your skin.
“If you’ve got oily skin you need to put on block powders and shine removing papers. If you’ve got very dry skin you need to make sure that you’ve moisturised enough beforehand. You can even buy little tubes of moisturiser that you can apply onto your foundation if you’ve got eczema or something and just blend it into your really dry patches. With a little powder setting it should be perfect for the rest of the day. If you’ve got very dry skin and you used an oil-free dry foundation it’s going to look very powdery on you and as if it’s flaking off.”
6. Invest in a backcombing brush.
“The sixties beehive style is very fashionable at the moment. To create the look you need a good backcombing brush and you need to have a mirror at the back and the front because it might look fine from the front but you need to make sure it’s just as neat at the back.”
7. Go easy on the hairspray and pins.
“The look is not to have it over-pinned – just have enough there to hold up your style. When things get over-pinned it starts looking quite grannyish. Pick a hairspray with a slightly flexible hold and don’t freeze-dry your hair into that place where it looks a bit unnatural and starts looking greasy. Apply the spray place the natural hair over the top. If you over-spray you’ll probably have to wash and start again.”
8. Let someone else experiment with your look.
“I think the best looks are the ones where I’m allowed to take control. If you’re used to doing a look in a certain way then somebody who looks at you in a different light will make the best of your features. If you’re used to doing your eye liner a certain way then you’re not going to look any different on your wedding day if you make the make-up artist do the same look that you do.”
9. Take a photo of your completed look before popping out.
“Taking a quick picture to see how your make-up comes out will give you a better idea of your look than using a mirror. Some brides ask for very little make-up thinking it seems a lot but when they see it on camera you can’t actually see it and so sometimes I advise them to go slightly heavier than normal. I will show them that the camera kind of absorbs make-up and so you really need to go slightly heavier.”
10. Apply blusher to match your face shape.
“If you’ve got quite a slim face then put blusher on the apples of your cheeks and blend it out towards the ears. If you have quite high cheekbones then blend it more up towards your temples to slim your face down.”
_______Create the Look
Face: First the face was totally cleansed, toned, moisturised. A primer was applied before the foundation – I chose NW 25 because she has quite a lot of pink tone in her face – and set with studio fix powder. Add concealer to cover up freckles for a flawless complexion.
Products: Mac studio fix fluid foundation in NW25, Mac studio fix finishing powder.
Cheeks: A tan tone blusher was applied to give her a bronze effect.
Products: Mac tantone blusher, golden bronzer.
Eyes: Her eyebrows were neatened with an eyebrow pencil and an eye shadow base was applied on which there was greys, blues, navys and blacks all blended together to bring out her greyish blue eyes. Start lighter and go darker and darker, from the inner corner. False eyelashes were applied to give her a cat-like look.”
Products: Mac eyeshadows in blue, navy, black and grey.
Lips: A very light pink lipstick was applied and topped with gloss.
Products: Mac creamcup lipstick, clear gloss, lipliner in subculture.
Hair: The hair was backcombed really high. Jewellery was set in it and it was twisted back to create a very graceful look.
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